Saturday, October 15, 2016

I'm Still Using Windows Live Writer, But...

Windows Live Writer 2012

Well, I stuck with Windows XP until Microfuzz stopped supporting it in April of 2014, when I reluctantly moved to Windows 7, which I am still using. One of the few advantages was getting to re-install Windows Live Writer. Well, actually, the Fuzzy ones have abandoned WLW as well, but you can download and use it.

Windows Live Writer is still, in my opinion, great for easy updates to WordPress blogs. I have four Blogger blogs, however, including this one-- and guess what? Google decided to tinker with Blogger funtionality in such a way as to prevent WLW from uploading blog content to Blogger anymore. Gee, thanks, Google. I need to come up with a pet name for you, too, I suppose.

If you're like me and wish to prep your posts offline and outside the often clunky online blog entry pages, you still can even if WLW won't work for you. Download another great but abandoned Microfuzz program, Microsoft Expression Web. It used to be a sold program and was the Fuzz's answer to Dreamweaver. Since they stopped supporting it, the program can be downloaded for free and is, in my opinion currently the best free WYSIWYG HTML editor around. If you don't have it, grab it here at Microsoft before it disappears. While it's possible to create and operate a complete website using it, I just use it for composing pages quickly in the WYSIWYG interface, then copy/paste the HTLM code it creates.

If you use it for Blogger, you should host your images at an independent image host like Photobucket or Imgur. This is the best thing to do, anyway, because that way if you ever decide to transplant your website into a different hosting platform (using your XML backup files), your images will be there as well.

Anyway, I suppose the usability of WLW will gradually deteriorate over time, but for the moment it still has it's place on my desktop.

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